Category Archives: Natural Building

Natural Building Practicum Position Available!

White Oak Farm is offering a 7 month Natural Building Practicum in 2017 for one qualified builder.  The position will provide the opportunity for an aspiring natural builder with at least one year of experience to practice their craft through … Continue reading

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Permaculture Design Course March 2016!

Check out the website for more details!

Posted in Agriculture, Critters, Farm Programs, Food, Food Preservation, Natural Building, Workshops | Comments Off on Permaculture Design Course March 2016!


Hah! Two posts in one day! The relative quiet here on the blog should clue you in to the fact that things are getting busy around here. Nothing anyone could write would be able to capture the sheer volume of … Continue reading

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Past Natural Building Workshop Photos

I mentioned that we’ve put up some old photos on flickr from natural building workshops that were held here at the farm (in the past 2-3 years), but it seems like they deserve their own post. Over the next few … Continue reading

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Some Updates

As you can probably tell, we’ve been busy adding new content to the site. We’ve made quite a bit of digital headway: contributions to White Oak Farm can now be made via PayPal (tuition for workshops or our upcoming Natural … Continue reading

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Natural Building Apprenticeship

Have you ever wanted to learn how to build with natural materials like straw bale, cob, light straw clay, and earthen plasters? This summer White Oak Farm is going to host a comprehensive five week program dedicated to natural building. … Continue reading

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